Hugh Allen FSR
This is a great ride that can be staged from the numerous campgrounds along the lake if you camping or via any of the pullouts along the roadside. You can easily put on over 150 km on this trip while site seeing, bear watching, or even try your luck at fishing.
The trip begins with a nice long ride along the Kinbasket Lake before it heads up the Hugh Allen drainage. Great road ride for all ability levels and there are opportunities to explore different spur roads along the way.
For general access to a staging area from the town of Valemount, travel 1km south of Valemount on Hwy 5 and turn left at the first intersection where you will see signage for the Kinbasket lake. Remain on this road for 7.5nkm where you will reach the intersection of the East and West side roads. Turn right here and travel another 1km crossing the Canoe River and take your next right where you will find the staging area. From here you will back track to the junction via your ATV and travel approximately 54 km down the east side of Kinbasket lake until
you reach the beginning of the Ptarmigan road system.