Ptarmigan Valley
This ride can begin from the staging area at the beginning of the Kinbasket area or from any one of the campgrounds or pullouts located along the east side of the lake.
From any one of these locations, this ride will take you down the east side of Kinbasket lake and lead you up the beautiful Ptarmigan Valley to some incredible sights of waterfalls and mountainous terrain.
For general access to a staging area from the town of Valemount, travel 1 km south of Valemount on Hwy 5 and turn left at the first intersection where you will see signage for the Kinbasket lake. Remain on this road for 7.5 km where you will reach the intersection of the East and West side roads. Turn right here and travel another 1 km crossing the Canoe River and take your next right where you will find the staging area. From here you will back track to the junction via your ATV and travel approximately 35 km down the east side of Kinbasket lake until you reach the beginning of the Ptarmigan road system.