Westridge Family Loop
Dec 2024 Update – The Valemount Community Forest has plowed the Westridge FSR to 20km. Any vehicles traveling the road must use proper radio protocol when traveling up or down as it will be an active job site. Large units are not recommended.
If you are looking to utilize the Lower Westridge area, you will need to stick to the valley bottom and head north from the staging area to pick up the lower trail and head up to the cabin.
A nice ride with a trail-head minutes from downtown Valemount. This is a ride for all levels and abilities and the area holds many trails not shown in the GPS files.
Within minutes from the Valemount town center, the Westridge Family Loop is an awesome ride to get your engines and muscles warmed up for a weekend of adventure. The area is accessed by turning right at the first intersection south of the Best Western (approx. 3 km south of Valemount). Follow the main road for approx. 2 km until you reach the staging area on the right side of the road. From the parking area, use the hydro line to access the Forest Service Road and main family loop trail that will eventually bring you back to the parking lot. The area is very sparsely signed so bringing a GPS along with you is very beneficial, although there area many roads to explore that are not on the file.
To complete the family loop, the FSR for approx. 13 km until you reach a small hydro dam. From here, cross the bridge at the station you will see a closed gate on the left although proceeding right will pick up the trail again that will take you through the trees and eventually back to the valley bottom. There is a nice little cabin in the middle of the loop that offers some nice views off of the balcony and is a great place for a fireside lunch. There are many trails to explore in this area, so feel free to go wild and explore. Just be sure to stay on existing roads and trails.